Community Resources
Research from the Institute
Guaranteed Income Programs as a Strategy to Reduce Poverty and Boost Upward Mobility
Author: Jennifer Haggerty
Autora: Jennifer Haggerty
Cardiovascular Disease Risk for Women & Girls: Gender, A Compelling Social Determinant
Author: Kim Peace-Tuskey, MSW
Riesgo de Enfermedad Cardiovascular en Mujeres y Niñas: Género, Un Determinante Social de Peso
Autora: Kim Peace-Tuskey, MSW
Author: Kim Peace-Tuskey, MSW
Autora: Kim Peace-Tuskey, MSW
Adolescents and Covid-19: School Re-Openings and Mental Health and Academic Challenges
Authors: Bianca Levario, graduate student in Masters of Educational Policy, Eniola Idowu, graduate student in Masters of Public Health, Cynthia Blockburger, Ph.D. candidate in Educational Leadership & middle school teacher, Dr. Katharine Zeiders, Associate Professor in Norton School of Family & Consumer Sciences, and Dr. Ada Wilkinon-Lee, Associate Professor in the Department of Mexican American Studies
Adolescentes y Covid-19: Reaperturas Escolares y Desafíos Académicos y De Salud Mental
Autoras: Bianca Levario, estudiante de posgrado en Maestría en Política Educativa, Eniola Idowu, estudiante de posgrado en Maestría en Salud Pública, Cynthia Blockburger, candidata a doctorado en liderazgo educativo y maestra de secundaria, Dra. Katharine Zeiders, Profesora Asociada de la Escuela Norton de Ciencias de la Familia y el Consumidor, y Dra. Ada Wilkinson-Lee, Profesora Asociada del Departamento de Estudios Mexicoamericanos
Mental Health & School-Aged Youth
Authors: Lia D. Falco, Ph.D., Austin Guida, and Connor Kendzora, University of Arizona College of Education
La Salud Mental y Los Jóvenes de Edad Escolar
Autoras: Lia D. Falco, Ph.D., Austin Guida, y Connor Kendzora, Facultad de Educación de la Universidad de Arizona
Authors: Jim Kiser and Shirley Kiser
Caregiving Changes For Working Families Raising Young Children During The Covid-19 Pandemic
Authors: Madeleine deBlois, ScD; Kara Haberstock Tanoue, MA; & Michele Walsh, PhD
Young Children, Families & Teachers During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Authors: Leah Durán, Ph.D. and Rebecca Lopez
Family Stress and Resilience
Structural Racism Booklet: Research and Policy Analyses (The National Prevention Science Coalition)
Stop AAPI Hate National Report (Stop AAPI Hate)
Resources to Dismantle Racism Against the Asian American Community (NCFR)
158 Resources To Understand Racism in America (Smithsonian Magazine)
Racial Equity Toolkit: An Opportuntity to Operationalize Equity (Government Alliance on Race & Equity)
Essential Equity Statements and Resources for Racial, Economic, and Social Justice (Foundation for Child Development)
Hate Crimes Explained (Southern Poverty Law Center)
Resources from the National Council on Family Relations (NCFR)
Racial Equity Research (Child Trends)
Gender-Affirming Policies Support Transgender and Gender Diverse Youth's Health (Society for Research in Child Development)
We Support Transgender Youth: A Statement and Framing Guidance (UCLA Center for the Developing Adolescent)
Discriminatory Transgender Health Bills Have Critical Consequences for Youth (Child Trends)
Anti-LGBTQ Policy Proposals Can Harm Youth Mental Health (Child Trends)
Research Shows the Risk of Misgendering Transgender Youth (Child Trends)
Policies That Discriminate Against LGBTQ Students Are Not Aligned with Child Development Research (Child Trends)
Gay, Lesbian, & Straight Education Network
Sexuality Information and Education Council of the United States
How White Parents Can Talk to Their Kids About Race (NPR)
How to Use Children's Books to Talk About Race and Racism (PBS)
How to Talk Honestly With Children About Racism (PBS)
How to Deal with Racist People (Aboriginal Spirits)
Guide to Allyship (Guide to Allyship)
Asian American Mental Health Library (Asian American Health Initiative)
We Can Create Change Together (Learning for Justice)
How to Find Children's and Young Adult's Books That Can Help Caregivers Promote Anti-Racism (Cooperative Extension)
13 Children's Books About Race and Diversity (PBS for Parents)
CNN and 'Sesame Street' To Host a Town Hall Addressing Racism (PBS/CNN)
Poverty and Prosperity for Children, Youth and Families
Immigrant Youth and Families
Adolescent Health and Wellbeing
- Research on Bullying
- Society for Research of Adolescence
- Social Policy Report: Preventing Adolescent Suicide: Recommendations for policymakers, practitioners, program developers, and researchers
- The National Association of School Psychologists
- Reconnecting Youth
- Activate Collective
- Report on the Health Status of Arizona's Youth