Latinx Families Consortium

Latinx Families Consortium

Scope: Two generations of research with Latinx families has created opportunities for scholars to “Learn from Latinxs” about cultural contexts and development, positive parenting and socialization, and social and community engagement. The health and educational paradoxes of Latinxs, evidenced in national trends, demonstrate that there is more to understand. The overall goal of this initiative is to further stimulate research that contributes to “Learning from Latinxs”. This initiative supports collaborative work focused on methods and theory that can advance our understanding in the following four areas: (1) Healthy and positive development of Latinx children and youth, (2) Latinx family contexts for parenting and socialization, (3) Neighborhood and community contexts for the development of Latinx families, (4) and Health and educational paradoxes and disparities. 


Goals and activities:

  • Promote relationships across universities to develop new research, grants, and mentorship opportunities for graduate students
  • Grow the support for research grant proposals through developing relationships with funded senior faculty who can mentor junior faculty, review proposals, and lead workshops on navigating funding
  • Promote health and well-being of Latinx families through sustainable working collaborative relationships between university researchers and graduate students

Resources Needed

  • Support for speakers with Latinx family expertise
  • Social media and other marketing and communication resources of the Frances McClelland Institute and the Norton School to raise awareness of the initiative’s goals and activities and to attract new members
  • Funds for faculty and graduate students’ pilot projects
  • Funds for mini-conferences

Intended Inputs

  • Preparation of individual and collaborative research and training grants
  • Preparation of collaborative research and applied publications
  • Building of relationships and partnerships across campus and in Southern Arizona
  • Development of a training grant, possibly in collaboration with other centers on campus and/or research initiatives

Intended Outcomes

  • Submission of collaborative grants across universities
  • Collaborative dissemination of research findings
  • Training opportunities for graduate students and faculty across universities
  • Speaker series that highlights research being doing across universities