Here at FMI, we are very proud of our students' achievements and contributions to Human Development and Family Science.
Keep up the good work!
Bueno, E. (Fall 2023) Recipient of the NAFSCE Graduate Research Fellowship. NAFSCE was established in September 2014 as the first professional membership association solely focused on the advancement of high-impact family, school and community engagement policies and practices. As a NAFSCE Graduate Research Fellow, Elia will support this work in educator preparation and family and community engagement under the mentorship of Dr. Margaret Caspe.
Bueno, E. (Fall 2023) Recipient of the University of Arizona Centennial Achievment Award. The Centennial Achievement Awards are presented to two undergraduate and seven graduate professional students who demonstrate outstanding persistence and integrity, as well as contribute to self, community, and family. These awards support the University's strategic goal of valuing and supporting the diverse experiences of our students.
Vasquez, M. (Fall 2023) Selected for American Evaluation Association's Graduate Education Diversity Internship (GEDI) Program. This program is a one-year internship, training, and networking program that provides opportunities for funded evaluation work and travel.
Carbajal, S. (Fall 2023) 1st recipient of the Lang Dissertation Fellow. This fellowship will help her pursue her dissertation titled, Bicultural Identity Integration and Bicultural Competence in Latinx Samples.
Osman, K. (Spring 2023) Recipient of a GPSC (Graduate Professional Student Council) Research and Project Grant. This award will fund a summer research project titled, "Understanding the Co-occurrence of Colorism and Ethnic-Racial Identity Among Latinx Young Adults".
Osman, K. (Fall 2022) Accepted into Cal State Chanellor's Doctoral Incentive Program. This program offers additional funding opportunities and mentorship for placement in a Cal State faculty position after graduation.
Bueno, E. (Fall 2022) Selected for American Evaluation Association's Graduate Education Diversity Internship (GEDI) Program. This program is a one-year internship, training, and networking program that provides opportunities for funded evaluation work and travel.
Zambrano, P. (Summer 2022) Recipient of Lang Summer Fellowship. This inaugural fellowship is intended to support an HDFS graduate student to write a first-author manuscript that will advance our understanding of children, youth or families.
Osman, K. (Spring 2022) Honorable Mention for the Ford Foundation PreDoctoral Fellowship.
Bueno, E. (Spring 2022) University of Arizona College of Agriculture and Life Sciences - Ph.D. Level Meritorious Graduate Teaching Award.
Zhao, Z. (Fall 2021) University of Arizona College of Agriculture and Life Sciences - 2021 CALS Ph.D. Level Meritorious Graduate Teaching Award.
Bueno, E. (Fall 2021) The Society for Advancement of Chicanos/Hispanics and Native Americans in Science (SACNAS) - 2021 SACNAS Student Presentation Award.
Bueno, E. (Summer 2021) Recipient of Lang Summer Fellowship. This inaugural fellowship is intended to support an HDFS graduate student to write a first-author manuscript that will advance our understanding of children, youth or families.
LeBaron, A. (Spring 2021) NCFR Family Financial Well-Being Group - 2021 Best Student Paper Award.
Kuelz, A. (Spring 2021) University of Arizona College of Agriculture and Life Sciences - 2021 Meritorious Award for Graduate Teaching Assistant.
Zhao, Z. (Spring 2021) FMI Dissertation Award 2021. This award is given to a graduate student for their dissertation research proposals that merit special recognition and display strong potential to contribute to the field of human development and family science. The grant is used for research costs or professional development related to the proposed dissertation project.
Vasquez, M. (Spring 2021) Honorable Mention for the Ford Foundation PreDoctoral Fellowship.
Bueno, E. (Spring 2021) Honorable Mentions for the Ford Foundation PreDoctoral Fellowship.
Farkas, J. (2020) Staff Award, Peter W. Likins Inclusive Excellence Award, University of Arizona
Sarsar, E. (Fall 2020) University of Arizona College of Agriculture and Life Sciences - 2020 CALS Masters Level Meritorious Graduate Teaching Award.
Thomas, R. (Summer 2020) Recipient of Lang Summer Fellowship. This inaugural fellowship is intended to support an HDFS graduate student to write a first-author manuscript that will advance our understanding of children, youth or families.
Kim, S. (Summer 2020) Recipient of Lang Summer Fellowship. This inaugural fellowship is intended to support an HDFS graduate student to write a first-author manuscript that will advance our understanding of children, youth or families.
Pech, A. (Spring 2020) FMI Dissertation Award 2020. This award is given to a graduate student for their dissertation research proposals that merit special recognition and display strong potential to contribute to the field of human development and family science. The grant is used for research costs or professional development related to the proposed dissertation project.
Pech, A. (Spring 2020) The University of Arizona Graduate and Professional Student Council Research and Project Grants. Title of her dissertation is "Contextualizing the Lived Experiences of Adolescent Girls of Color Experiencing Familial Incarceration: Applying an Intersectional Lens to Counterstories of Identity Development."
Kim, S. (Spring 2020)The University of Arizona Graduate and Professional Student Council Research and Project Grants. Title of her dissertation is “A Mixed Methods Exploration of Family Racial-Ethnic Socialization of East Asian Americans in Racialized America.”
Carbajal, S. (Spring 2020) Honorable Mentions for the Ford Foundation PreDoctoral Fellowship.
Sarsar, E. (Spring 2020) Honorable Mentions for the Ford Foundation PreDoctoral Fellowship.
Vasquez, M. (Spring 2020) FMI Travel Award. This award is given to a graduate student for travel to professional conferences. $2000 is budgeted annually and each award amounts to $500.
Kim, S. (Spring 2020) FMI Dissertation Award 2020. This award is given to a graduate student for their dissertation research proposals that merit special recognition and display strong potential to contribute to the field of human development and family science. The grant is used for research costs or professional development related to the proposed dissertation project.
Lebaron, A. (Fall 2019) NCFR Family Economics Focus Group - 2019 Best Family Economics Student Researcher Award.
Lebaron, A. (Fall 2019) National Endowment for Financial Education Grant. The title for her project is, "Measuring Family Financial Socialization."
Warren, S. (Fall 2019) Head Start Research Scholar Grant, Administration for Children and Families. Dissertation Funding for "Head Start Home-Classroom (Dis)continuity and Children's Self-Regulation."
Warren, S. (Fall 2019) FMI Dissertation Award 2019. This award is given to a graduate student for their dissertation research proposals that merit special recognition and display strong potential to contribute to the field of human development and family science. The grant is used for research costs or professional development related to the proposed dissertation project.
Li, X. (Fall 2019) FMI Travel Award 2019. This award is given to a graduate student for travel to professional conferences. $2000 is budgeted annually and each award amounts to $500.
Lebaron, A. (Fall 2019) FMI Travel Award 2019. This award is given to a graduate student for travel to professional conferences. $2000 is budgeted annually and each award amounts to $500.
Carbajal, S. (Fall 2019) FMI Travel Award 2019. This award is given to a graduate student for travel to professional conferences. $2000 is budgeted annually and each award amounts to $500.
Li, X. (Summer 2019) Recipient of Lang Summer Fellowship. This inaugural fellowship is intended to support an HDFS graduate student to write a first-author manuscript that will advance our understanding of children, youth or families.
Zhao, Z. (2019) FMI Travel Award 2019. This award is given to a graduate student for travel to professional conferences. $2000 is budgeted annually and each award amounts to $500.
Li, X. (Spring 2019) FMI Travel Award 2019. This award is given to a graduate student for travel to professional conferences. $2000 is budgeted annually and each award amounts to $500.
Warren, S. (Spring 2019) FMI Travel Award 2019. This award is given to a graduate student for travel to professional conferences. $2000 is budgeted annually and each award amounts to $500.
Pech, A. (Spring 2019) FMI Travel Award 2019. This award is given to a graduate student for travel to professional conferences. $2000 is budgeted annually and each award amounts to $500.
Thomas, R. (Spring 2019) FMI Travel Award 2019. This award is given to a graduate student for travel to professional conferences. $2000 is budgeted annually and each award amounts to $500.
Boyd, S. (2019) Recipient of Graduate and Professional Student Council. This award graduate and professional student travel for professional development purposes. essional conferences. $2000 is budgeted annually and each award amounts to $500.