FMI Coding Lab

Coding Lab computer

Coding Lab Workstations

 The FMI Coding Lab is a quantitative and qualitative analysis facility housed in the Frances McClelland Institute for Children, Youth, and Families. 

All Computers in the Coding Lab are equipped with:

  • Mendeley Desktop 1.19.2
  • SAS 9.4
  • NVIVO 12
  • Mplus Editor 8.1
  • IBM SPSS 24
  • Dragon Professional Individual

In addition, computers 1 and 2 are equipped with:

  • Noldus observer XT 11

And computers 3 and 4 are equipped with:

  • Noldus Observer XT 10.5
  • Express Scribe

Please use the link to the form to request use of a computer in the Coding Lab.

Click “View Calendar” next to the computer you would like to request. A calendar for the computer will open up so you can ensure the resource is available.

Please check the availability of the computer in the Coding Lab before completing the reservation request below:

Coding Lab Computer # 1 - View Calendar

Coding Lab Computer # 2 - View Calendar

Coding Lab Computer # 3 - View Calendar

Coding Lab Computer # 4 - View Calendar

Reserve a computer